Research Interests
I'm primarily interested in stars- how they grow, how they change, and what that tells us about the physics going on inside them, as well as how we con apply that knowledge to better understanding planetary systems and the evolution of galaxies. My group's recent work has focused on evolved low-mass stars. Are our stellar models accurate? Do they agree with new data on stellar masses, metallicities, temperatures, and rotation rates? What can the disagreements tell us about the internal physics of stars? How well can we use these models to predict stellar ages and masses? These questions are important because any problems in stellar models become magnified when used to determine the properties of planets or infer how galaxies evolved. In order to answer these questions, we use a variety of data analysis techniques (asteroseismology, photometry, spectroscopy, etc) and 1-D stellar evolution models (YREC, MESA) in order to push forward our understanding of stars and their properties.
Current Students
Alexa Beyer, graduate student
Corin Marasco, graduate student
Leslie Morales, graduate student
Carli Mankowski, undergraduate student
Cassidy Martin, undergraduate student
Penelope Planet, undergraduate student
Meir Schochet, undergraduate student
Artemis Theodoridis, undergraduate student
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